Saturday, March 10, 2012

Beginning of the End Part 3

This project is slow-going; I hope I can finish a decent amount so I don't have to do any over spring break, which would be nice...

I made the sign out of a bunch of cubes and a few cylinders - Below is the most recent camera angle I intend to take the shot from

Next I made a chair using a cubes and bend deformers

Then I made a simple table

I'm starting on the bike now (this should be fun..)  I made a wheel out of Toruses

I'm starting on the thing that connects the chain guard to the pedals to the back wheel - I pulled around the points of a cylinder and also used a pipe for this

Next I did some detail work with polygons then the chain-rotater-thing using the bridge tool, which took some time.

I ended the day with this, maybe 1/3 of the bike - The hard part will be connecting all of it, the seat, and the handlebars, which I haven't reached yet

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