Saturday, January 28, 2012

I finished the thing!!!

After another session of working nearly all day on this bike, I have finished!

Bridged brakes to wheel

Made brake handle

Made brake wire and holder-things to hold the wire to the boomerang-thing

Made kickstand and also.....

...built a kickstand hole (so the back of the kickstand can hide from terrorists if it wants! ..or it can extend into there when the kickstand is down)

 Made a logo (I like the letter J!)

Named every stinking last piece of the bike, and grouped them all (see?!)

Made and assigned materials and textures to pieces

Here is the bike!  It is blue, because I felt like it!!! =)
Now on to other homework...

Friday, January 27, 2012

Bike Tutorials Round 4

Aaaaaaah I have been modeling all day and I am quite sure that I am sick of it!! (for now...)

Interior of chain guard

 Bike seat

 Bike seat spring

Shield, guard thing


 Connected the pedal to sprocket

Made bike bumps!

The last step took me the longest to complete (ironically, being one of the shortest videos at 5 minutes 27 seconds) because my sections were too big and I kept resizing them but they came out crumpled and awkward, so I started over.  In the end, one part still looked weird so I tried my best to make it look as un-weird as possible and got over it.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bike Tutorials Round 3

Lately in Maya- I built the interior of the sprocket, attached the sprocket to the bike frame, then built the outside of the chain guard.

This weekend is going to be full of modeling!! (yay!..?)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bike Tutorials Round 2

The next five tutorials were easier than the first five!!

 Hooray, almost halfway done!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Bike Tutorials Round 1

It took a few days and many weird errors to finish the first five tutorials, but here are the results (FINALLY!!!)

First it looks like a kitchen sink-

Then a boomerang-looking thing was added-

Attached two hockey sticks to the boomerang-

Then threw in a floating Sonic ring!

Soon this shall bring forth a bike!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

First 3D Modeling Class

This is the first model in Jeff Price's 3D Modeling 1 class at Oklahoma Christian - Behold its scariness!!!

  (it is watching you...)

Used this image as texture