Saturday, March 2, 2013

Evil Mouse Shoes...

Built the arms from NURBS curves extruded from circles and built a hand from a cube - No idea how I'm going to attach them yet but I'll worry about it later - Also built the shirt/shorts out of cubes - Now the body goes through the head into the mouth and I can't really fix it without the inside of the mouth looking lumpy

Worry about that later too, I guess..

As of right now, it just looks like he's trying to do some sort of ballet pose...

And, naturally, counting to two.

Will build the other hand later

The shoes were very, VERY problematic - They were easy enough to form out of a cube, and the shoelaces out of CV curves/Nurbs circle extrusion...

But all heck broke loose when I tried to add tread to the bottom of them.  Not only was the tread not working out because my vertexes starting going wacky when smoothed, but I accidentally selected a vertex that was on near the ankle and started twisting it around without knowing it.

When I finally finished the tread, there was a gigantic weird hole with many faces near the back of the shoe - I didn't have enough undos to fix this

So I quit, opened a new file, and copied and pasted an old shoe over - But then it wouldn't texture right - Weird blotches started popping up and they even showed up during the render

Without lighting they looked even worse-

So, instead of building a new shoe, I just deleted all of the weird faces and sewed the shoe back together - I tried this before I tried the copy-pasting but thought it was hopeless so quit.  Then I realized how super hopeless the copy-pasted file was and accepted the fact that my topology wouldn't be the best, but that it's okay.

...Aaaaand now my file won't open at all...

Friday, March 1, 2013


This is Mauz.  He likes smiling and counting to two.
There may be confusion about the gender if you look at his(?).. chest anatomy here.
I designed it as a girl then later decided it would be a male.  AAAAnyways...

...I thought I'd try to model him.
I started with the head. Then went ears. Then eyes. Then mouth. Then hat.  The hat was (dare I say it??!) fun to UV (because it was easy) and texture.

I also discovered (through Youtubing) how to render with a white background!!!
You must turn on final gathering in the render settings and change the background color of the camera under "Environment" in the Attribute Editor.

Current head render:

The teeth were hard to align no matter how much I changed their pivot points and froze their transformations...

Here is his face without the skin (fur?) - I added this so his insides wouldn't appear yellow when seeing through his massive molars

The ears, hat, and nose were made of cubes - The eyes and the inside and outside head are spheres, and the teeth were cones (because pyramids weren't working!!)  The whiskers were CV curves extruded from a NURBS circle - I may attempt to re-make the head out of a cube. MAYbe.

It will eat all of your children

I am deciding whether to leave his eyes as blank-white surface shaders or add minimal shadow (above) - Also trying to make the gums shiny but not reflective - Will save nit-picking for later, I suppose.

On to the body!