Saturday, March 31, 2012

End of the End Part 2

I'm glad to say my texturing is going well...although I haven't done a good job of making the place look abandoned, exactly...

I UVed the front sign

I textured the chair

Brick wall with a bump texture

Stone wall with a bump texture

An old wood texture 

I'm pretty much done with the building, although I may try to make it dirtier and look more abandoned..

This is the render so far- Yes, I know it looks too clean right now.  The sign looks dirty but the lighting almost hides the dirt.

I also made the character that will be inside the buiding getting attacked by some kind of mysterious light- Only only modeled the half that will be visible by the camera, so he's kind of half a fox

 Yes, his best friend is an elf.

On to food!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

End of the End Part 1

End of the end, or texturing, is going well so far - I textured the bike without UVing it because it doesn't require it as it consists of solid colors - I also discovered that planar mapping is not for wrap-around textures, that is what automatic mapping is for primarily (before I didn't understand too much of the difference; all I knew was planar was for flat planes and auto was for everything else, but now I know more) - After learning that I was able to correctly texture the sign but it looks washed out when rendered with sunlight - I'll learn to fix that later

Final Bike Render- Ready for some sorry sap to deliver newspapers on
Also ready for someone to deliver pizzas with, though it would be harder

Then it disintegrated so I worked on the sign


Words words blah blah here's the sign
I wonder why it's so washed out?  You can't see the dirt and grime covering it as well when it's washed out

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Middle of the End

So, this is the middle of the end - that is, UV-ing, which I found considerably easier because most of my environment consisted of planes, so I pretty much did nothing but planar map everything - with the exception of the table, which I Automapped

Here's the quite cubeful building

Here's the quite cubeful sign

Here's the slightly cubeful table

There are a few objects I won't texture because they're small and insignificant, or do not require UVs because they will be solid colors rather than a texture

Saturday, March 24, 2012

End of the Beginning of the End and Zelda!! (or... BOTE Part 5)

 To make the handlebars I extruded from a NURBS circle again, then made the grips extruding faces with the Keep Faces Together option turned off, and by duplicating a part of the body of the bike to connect the handlebars to the front part

To do the spokes I just made two cylinders and used Duplicate Special after changing their rotation point to rotate them around the middle

Then I made the brakes and the brake wires the same way wires are usually made, and the same way other polygonal objects are made, by extruding a cube

 Then I made up my mind to create half of the bike chain - With the advice/help of the Master of Pandas, I took a NURBS circle and edited it, then used Surfaces>Planar to turn it into a surface, then converted it into a polygon so I could extrude it to make a figure-8-ish shape, which I combined with Toruses to make the chain - I forgot, however, to lower the subdivision axis count of the toruses so they all have 20, so there will be a lot of unnecessary faces to render...

I then decided I was finished so that I could start UVing and texturing (oh joy) so this is what the bike looks like right now-


I should have gotten more of this project done during spring break but Josh and I had too much fun playing this-

I don't think we'll be able to beat it, though...after spring break we will probably be overloaded with work

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Beginning of the End Part 4

I'm figuring out I'm not the fastest at modeling, but that's okay - three hours for three parts (I give props to Dan for building his entire bike in 5 hours!)

I made pedals and then since I couldn't connect the bike frame together, I made a pipe that makes it look like they're connected - Mostly used extrusions and edge loops for this

 Made the bike seat out of a cube, and then some extruded curves (it looks like you'd bounce around like crazy if you rode this bike...)

Then I started the chain guard lofting some curves together, though I didn't do it quite right and I don't think they're really combined into one piece (just three lofted surfaces-don't know how that came to be) 

By the way, this is what the building render looks like thus far:

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Beginning of the End Part 3

This project is slow-going; I hope I can finish a decent amount so I don't have to do any over spring break, which would be nice...

I made the sign out of a bunch of cubes and a few cylinders - Below is the most recent camera angle I intend to take the shot from

Next I made a chair using a cubes and bend deformers

Then I made a simple table

I'm starting on the bike now (this should be fun..)  I made a wheel out of Toruses

I'm starting on the thing that connects the chain guard to the pedals to the back wheel - I pulled around the points of a cylinder and also used a pipe for this

Next I did some detail work with polygons then the chain-rotater-thing using the bridge tool, which took some time.

I ended the day with this, maybe 1/3 of the bike - The hard part will be connecting all of it, the seat, and the handlebars, which I haven't reached yet

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Beginning of the End Part 2

I had trouble with a certain face of the building, but as soon as I finished it I moved much faster on the other parts of the building.

 I extruded part of the entrance-box but also had to merge some vertices to make it happen - It should not really look like this, but I'm afraid I did all I could:

 This front face on this enterance-box was a face from the hot fiery place - it refused to be split by the Insert Edge Loop and Interactive Split Tools (when it did work once, two faces kept combining into one so I was forced to undo it) - I eventually had to use Cut Faces and delete all the edges I didn't want, which took a while, but I was finally able to extrude the part of the face I wanted

Next I cut more faces into the entrance box (this time on its side, where the nice faces live), and extracted a face then extruded it to make a door - I also built a handle, lock, and a bar that goes on the back - Then edited its rotation point so it can swing open correctly and hit people in the face like a REAL door!

After that was over, I extruded the windows and part of the building, then built an air conditioner (well, the only part of the air conditioner that will appear in the shot) using Duplicate Special

Soon I will finish more potentially dangerous building parts!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

deadmau5 Rendering (Attempt-to-make-look-better FAIL)

Welllll, after watching some of the Rendering videos after Thursday's class, I found a way to re-render the mau5 head without so much pixellation! (I learned something! =D) I also had to smooth it, but oh well it still looks better